Last updated: 2023-11-22


The Faradai Sustain API is accessible at:

The API expects GET and POST requests. For POST requests, a valid JSON string in the request body is expected. All responses are in JSON format.

All request must contain the following headers:

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <token>



1- Authorize

Returns an access token if the provided arguments (email and password) are correct.


Method URL
POST /authorize

JSON parameters:

Param Value Description
email* string User email address
password* string User password


Field Type Description
token string Use this token for making requests in the Authorization header like: Bearer eyJhbG…
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VyQ2xhaW1zIjp7ImV..."


2- Get Data

Returns emissions data for the locations visible to the user.


Method URL
GET /data

Query Params:

Param Value Description Example
start string Start date 2023-01-01
end string End date 2023-06-30


GET /data?start=2023-01-01&end=2023-06-30


Field Type Description
date range object Date range of the response data
locations array Emissions data

Locations have the following properties:

Field Type Description
name string Location name
country string Location country
sector string Location sector
sources array Location's source list

Sources have the following properties:

Field Type Description
name string Source name
sourceType string Source type (electricity etc.)
sourceTypeGroup string Source type group (default etc.)
consumptionUnit string Source unit (kWh,MWh etc.)
emissionUnit string Source emission unit if it has an emission factor value
data array List of data to be retrieved

Data have the following properties:

Field Type Description
date string Date range of the data
source fields int, string Source fields and values
emission integer Source emission if it has an emission factor value
    "date-range": [
    "locations": [
            "name": "Example Building",
            "country": "United States of America",
            "sector": "Commercial Services & Supplies",
            "sources": [
                    "name": "FirstSource",
                    "sourceType": "electricity",
                    "sourceTypeGroup": "default",
                    "consumptionUnit": "kWh",
                    "emissionUnit": "CO2e",
                    "data": [
                            "date": [
                            "consumption": 50,
                            "cost": 60,
                            "emission": 15,
                            "customField": 5
                    "name": "SecondSource",
                    "sourceType": "electricity",
                    "sourceTypeGroup": "default",
                    "consumptionUnit": "kWh",
                    "emissionUnit": "CO2e",
                    "data": [
                            "date": [
                            "consumption": 50,
                            "cost": 60,
                            "emission": 5,
                            "customField": "text"