Customised Data Insights Suite

You can effortlessly visualise the captured ESG data with our all-in-one ESG Data Insights Suite. Experience a highly customisable and user-friendly Platform with interactive widgets that empower you to make better-informed decisions.

You can access ESG Dashboards under "Analyse" section in ESG Reporting Module. Each framework has its own dashboard. You can select this on the top framework filter. The reporting periods of the completed disclosure of the framework can also be selected so that you can compare and analyse data across different years.

Some of the standard frameworks in our library (like EPRA and Refinitiv) are equipped with pre-built template dashboards, so you will be able to see charts and data immediately after you closed a disclosure of a framework. Our team is expanding this template dashboards for each standard framework.

Please note that a disclosure must be first closed for its data to appear on the dashboard page.

Please not that only the ESG data captured in "Numeric" format can be displayed in dashboards.

Customising dashboards

If you have the customisation permissions, you will be able to edit, create and customise your own dashboards. For this click on "Edit" button on the top. You can add 2 types of widgets here:

  • Add Chart
  • Add Text

Adding a chart

Step 1: Click on the "Edit" button located in the upper right.

Step 2: Choose "Add Chart" from the options.

Step 3: On the right navigation menu, you will see chart options like "Time Series", "Distribution" or "Simple Data". Choose one of them based on your preference.

Step 4: Choosing 'Time Series' or 'Distribution' charts allows you to analyse your metric individually or aggregate it as a group metric with sums from other metrics.

Step 5: Give a name for your widget and write a description for it if you want.

Step 6: Next, use the pillar, category, and metric filters to select the specific Metric you wish to display.

Step 7: Available metric units will be listed based on the captured data. Choose the desired Metric unit for your data to show.

Step 8: Click on the "Add" button to finalise.

Following these steps, you can seamlessly create and integrate your chart into the analysis page.

Adding a text

You can write anything you want to show in your dashboard in Text Editor in different size, color.

To add text, click the "Edit" button and select "Add Text." Customize the font size and format according to your preference, and then type in the desired content. Lastly, save the text by clicking on the "Add" button.

Change the widget sizes

You can resize the widgets by dragging the bottom right corner of the widget. This feature enables you to adjust the widget size according to your preferences, ensuring a more customized and visually appealing presentation of the data on the analysis page.

Deleting chart or text

To delete a text or chart, click the "Edit" button, then select the specific text or chart you want to delete. Once selected, you will find a "Delete" button in the top right corner; clicking on it will delete the chosen text or chart from the analysis page.

Downloading charts

You can download the charts in PNG format by clicking on the download button located in the top right corner of the widget.

Supported Chart Types

For visualising and analysing time series metrics as groups we provide Stack chart and Horizontal Stack Chart types options.

For visualising and analysing time series metrics indivudually, we provide Line Chart, Bar Chart, Stack Chart and Horizontal Stack Chart types options.

For visualising and analysing metrics as a Distribution;

Horizontal Bar Chart, Tree Map, Pie Chart and Doughnut Chart types options are available.

You can also visualise your metrics just as an Info Card

Creating group metrics

Choosing 'Time Series' or 'Distribution' charts allows you to analyse your metric individually or aggregate it as a group metric with sums from other metrics.

When you select the 'Group' option, it will enable the creation of a virtual metric by aggregating two or more metrics as a sum.

  • To create a Metric Group, begin by selecting 'Group 1' and entering your chosen name for the group. Shape your group by choosing the right pillar, category, and metrics.
  • To add more groups, simply click 'Create a Metric Group' and replicate the initial steps, selecting the relevant pillars, categories, and metrics for each new group.

After organising your groups and choosing units and the latest reporting period, you're ready to add your chart.